Sunday, February 24, 2019


Tearing strength of fabric: The term tearing strength of the fabric is the force which initiates the tearing in the fabric. “the tearing force required to initiate the tearing of the fabric from a split in the center of the specimen or continue tearing of the fabric” is called tearing strength of the fabric. It is also termed as tearing resistance. It is measured in pounds, grams, kilogram or Newton etc. it is determined for warp and weft direction separately. The factors influencing the tearing strength are:
 Type of material used in the fabric: The material used in the fabric greatly affects the tearing strength of the fabric. The fabric made of synthetic yarn has better tearing strength than natural fabric. The fabric made of continuous filament yarn has higher tearing strength than spun yarn. The fabric made of fine and long staple fibres has better-tearing strength than coarse and short staple fibres.
Yarn count and construction of the fabric:  the yarn count used in the fabric, ends per inch and picks per inch have great concern with tearing strength. It can be understood by some examples:
There are two fabrics say A and B, the GSM of both fabrics is identical. Fabric A is made of coarse count yarn and fabric B is made of fine count yarn. In this case, the tearing strength of the fabric A will be more than B.
If fabric A and B are made of same count and fabric A has more threads per square inch than B. In this situation, the fabric A will give better tearing strength than B.
Yarn twist: The yarn twist of the fabric influences the tearing strength up to some extent. High twist yarn in the fabric results in the form of improved tearing strength.

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