This defect occurs in the fabric in which the multi-colour warp or weft has been used. If the multi-colour yarn has been used in warp and weft both, this defect can appear vertically and horizontally in both directions. A particular place on the fabric surface, where the colours sequence of either warp or weft doesn’t appear in the form of regular pattern is termed as a missing pattern.
It may occur in the warp and weft both. The missing pattern in the warp occurs due to loom operator, the faulty working of warp stop motion, and excessive hairiness of warp yarn. The loom operator should take extra care during the mending of broken end during operations. If this defect appears during loom still running position, the loom technician should check the warp stop motion and should take corrective action. The yarn having low hairiness should always be used in the warp beam to avoid this kind of problem. The missing pattern in the weft occurs due to human error, improper setting and faulty working of the weft selector. If the loom operator does not recover the fell of the cloth position correctly, it results in a missing pattern in the weft direction. If the weft section needles do not work properly, the missing pattern may occur in the fabric. The electronic problem in the loom software can also cause missing pattern in the weft direction.
This defect occurs in the fabric in which the multi-colour warp or weft has been used. If the multi-colour yarn has been used in warp and weft both, this defect can appear vertically and horizontally in both directions. A particular place on the fabric surface, where the colours sequence of either warp or weft doesn’t appear in the form of regular pattern is termed as a missing pattern.
It may occur in the warp and weft both. The missing pattern in the warp occurs due to loom operator, the faulty working of warp stop motion, and excessive hairiness of warp yarn. The loom operator should take extra care during the mending of broken end during operations. If this defect appears during loom still running position, the loom technician should check the warp stop motion and should take corrective action. The yarn having low hairiness should always be used in the warp beam to avoid this kind of problem. The missing pattern in the weft occurs due to human error, improper setting and faulty working of the weft selector. If the loom operator does not recover the fell of the cloth position correctly, it results in a missing pattern in the weft direction. If the weft section needles do not work properly, the missing pattern may occur in the fabric. The electronic problem in the loom software can also cause missing pattern in the weft direction.
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