Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Yarn count, Yarn fineness, Yarn number, Yarn size, Yarn linear density, Yarn ticket number, Yarn diameter, Yarn count measurement , and various yarn count systems

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The fineness of yarn is known as the count of yarn. The fineness of yarn is also known as the linear density of the yarn. The weight per unit length or length per unit weight of a yarn is called the count of yarn. The count of yarn is expressed in the form of numerical numbers. Different systems are used in the different regions of the world to express the count of the yarn (linear density of yarn). All systems follow the principles given below:

Direct system. 

Indirect system. 

Direct system:

In this system of yarn count, the length of the yarn remains constant, and the weight of the yarn varies according to the fineness of the yarn. As the number (count) of yarn increases, the yarn becomes coarser. Following count systems are being used today:


This system is most commonly used to express the count of a continuous filament yarn of man-made or re-generated fires. The weight of yarn in grams of 9000 meters of yarn is called the denier of a yarn. The yarn becomes coarser as the denier of a yarn increases. It is very simple to find out the denier of any yarn.

If you have a bigger yarn package, you can measure 9000 meters of yarn length with the help of a wrap reel. Now find the weight of the yarn with the help of a weighing scale. Thus the weight of this length of yarn in grams will be the denier of the yarn.
If you are having a very short length of yarn, there is no need to worry about this. You can take an available length of yarn. Next, find the weight of the yarn in grams. Put these values in the below-given formula

Suppose that the weight of the yarn is W grams and the length of the yarn is L meters. The denier of yarn is obtained by the following formula:


It is generally used to express the fineness of continuous filament yarn. The weight in grams of 1000 meters of yarn is called the tex of a yarn. When the tex of yarn increases, the yarn becomes coarser. It is very easy to calculate the Tex of a yarn. First of all, measure a length of 1000 meters from the yarn package, then find out its weight with the help of a weighing scale. The weight of this length in grams will be the Tex of a yarn.

If you have a short length of yarn, you need to measure the yarn length and find its weight in grams. Now put both values in the below-given formula.

Some other versions of the Tex system are given below:


Weight in grams of 10000 Metres of yarn is called deci-tex of yarn.


Weight in milligrams of 1000 meters of yarn is called millitex of yarn.

Weight in a kilogram of 1000 meters of yarn is called kilotex of a yarn.

Lbs. count (Jute count):

The weight in pounds ( lbs.) of 14400 yards of yarn is called the jute count (lbs.) of a yarn. It is used to express the fineness ( count) of jute yarn. The coarseness of yarn increases when lbs. increases. Since it is not possible to measure a yarn length of 14400 yards with the help of a wrap reel, then any possible length of the yarn is taken from the yarn package. Its weight is obtained with the help of a weighing scale in grams. Lbs. The count is found as follows: 
If the length of yarn is L meters and the weight of yarn is W grams

Indirect system:

In this system of yarn cunt, the weight of yarn remains constant and the length of the yarn varies according to the fineness of the yarn. As the number (count) of the yarn increases the yarn becomes finer. Following systems of indirect systems are being used today in different textile industries:

New English Count (Ne): 

The number of hanks (skeins) of 840 yards in a pound is called the new English count (Ne). Since this system is generally used to express the fineness of cotton count, therefore people call it cotton count also. When the count of yarn increases, the yarn becomes finer. The new English count is calculated as follows:

Suppose the length of yarn is L meters, and the weight of yarn is W grams.

New metric count (Nm):

The length of yarn in meters of one gram of yarn or the length of yarn in kilometers of one kilogram of yarn is called the new metric count(Nm). The yarn becomes finer when Nm increases. It is generally used to express the count of cotton and sometimes for flax yarn. Nm of yarn is found by following the below method:

It is very simple to find out the Nm of any yarn. First of all, take a suitable length of yarn, measure its length in meters, and find its weight in grams. Now put both the values in the below-given formula.

Linen count (lea):  

The number of hanks of 300 yards in a pound is called linen count (lea). It is specially used to express the fineness of flax (linen) yarn. The yarn becomes finer when the count increases in this system.

If the weight of yarn is w grams, and the length of yarn is L meters then the lea count of yarn is obtained as follows.

Worsted count: 

The number of hanks of 560 yards in one pound of yarn is called the worsted count. It is used to express the fineness of the worsted yarn. The fineness of yarn increases when the yarn count increases in this system. The worsted count of yarn is calculated as follows:
Suppose that the weight of yarn is W grams, and the length of yarn is L meters

Woollen count (YSW): 

The number of hanks of 256 yards in one pound of yarn is called woolen count (YSW). As the system name indicates, it is used to express the count of woolen yarn. The fineness of yarn increases when the yarn count increases in this system. The yarn count  in this system is calculated as follows:
Suppose that the length of yarn is L meters, and the weight of yarn is W grams.

Woollen count (Dewsbury): 

The number of yards in one ounce(oz) of yarn is called woolen count (Dewsbury). It is used to express the count of woolen yarn. The fineness of yarn increases when the yarn count increases in this system. It is found as follows:

Suppose that the length of yarn is L meters and the weight of yarn is W grams.



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  1. Sir any calculations for spg wheel pinion

  2. Very important formula in textile yarn count thanks

  3. Sir any formula for spinning drafting

  4. Thank u sir very good information can u give a chart for mathematical steps for converting. In my mail

    1. Hello , please send formula of yarn counting in woven

  5. Please send the open end spinning formula sir.


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